Food surplus recovery

The Lions Club of the Lodi province, (Lombardy Italy) Lions District 108Ib3, have purchased a refrigerated van for the transport of food with an investment of approximately 80,000 dollars, of which $ 41,175 thanks to a grant from the L.C.I.F. The service launched in 2021 has already helped more than 270 families. The refrigerated van… Continue reading Food surplus recovery

Providing Meals and Hope

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Lions in Surabaya, Indonesia realized that many people in community were struggling to find necessities including food. Wanting to help their community, they decided to ask their foundation, Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF), for assistance. Because of LCIF’s support, the Surabaya Patria Lions Club in District 307-B2 in Indonesia received a… Continue reading Providing Meals and Hope

Catena del Freddo

Catena del Freddo è un service dell’area fame, promosso e completato dal Distretto 108 LA Toscana. E’ una catena logistica di distribuzione di cibo congelato e fresco, composta da: – 3 automezzi refrigerati che abbiamo messo a disposizione del Banco Alimentare e da – 80 pozzetti congelatori che abbiamo installato nelle strutture caritative periferiche di… Continue reading Catena del Freddo

Combattere la fame in India

Penso sia meraviglioso che questi Leo siano stati incoraggiati a sognare in grande. Sono stati capaci di espandere i loro orizzonti e ampliare il loro impatto nella comunità locale. Sono molto grata di essere stata coinvolta in questa attività. Purtroppo, l’India affronta quotidianamente le sofferenze causate da fame e malnutrizione. Con il supporto del Secondo… Continue reading Combattere la fame in India

Food for All

Lions club of Dhaka Shamoli distributed food among more100 families at Naogaon city, a district in Bangladesh.

Relieving the Hunger Project

The Cavite City Lions Club MJF and 3 idf Cavite City Leo Club The Cavite City Lions Club MJF and 3 idf Cavite City Leo Club accept the challenge Relieving the Hunger Project . IP DOUGLAS ALEXANDER . We Also Distribute 500 LEAFLETS CANCER 500 DIABETES AWARENESS and 500 packs of Food distribute at City… Continue reading Relieving the Hunger Project

Relieving the Hunger Project

The Cavite City Lions Club MJF and 3 idf Cavite City Leo Club accept the challenge Relieving the Hunger Project . IP DOUGLAS ALEXANDER We Also Distribute 500 LEAFLETS CANCER, 500 DIABETES AWARENESS and Feeding 500 Inmates in the City Jail Oct. 16,2021 is day of this activity namely BJMP District Jail Cavite THANK YOU… Continue reading Relieving the Hunger Project