Hunger Relief

Donated 400 food packets to the physically disabled and old age people who came for medical checkup.

Zone Chairperson

Lions: Ration Distribution for Famine and drought Effected Communcity in Somalia Hunger relief activity in Muqdisho implemented by LC Mugadishu in partnership with Bacadmark business group to distribute different items to those vulnerable families ,Malnourished Children ,Women and old people. The funds were used for a hunger relief project integrating different items including, beverages, dates,… Continue reading Zone Chairperson

Field Trip to Mcdonalds

It was my wish was to take the children of SOS Village Sialkot, to McDonald’s, for enjoying fast food. Upon hearing that the children had not left the village past 2 years because of covid, instead of delivering, Saira Naz of SOS and me decided to invite a total of 140, children + 20 staff… Continue reading Field Trip to Mcdonalds

Die Wirksamkeit der LCIF: Hoffnungsfroh statt hungrig – LCIF hilft indischen Lions, hungrige Kinder zu versorgen

Hunger ist weltweit ein allgegenwärtiges Problem. Besonders Kinder sind auf unermessliche Weise betroffen. Zwei von fünf Kindern in Indien leiden unter Mangelernährung, was wiederum Erkrankungen, Wachstumsstörungen und verzögerte physische wie mentale Entwicklung nach sich ziehen kann. Kinder bis zum 6. Lebensjahr, die an Unterernährung leiden, erhalten in Anganwadis, staatlich geleiteten Kinderbetreuungseinrichtungen im ländlichen Indien, Mahlzeiten… Continue reading Die Wirksamkeit der LCIF: Hoffnungsfroh statt hungrig – LCIF hilft indischen Lions, hungrige Kinder zu versorgen

Recovery of food surpluses

The project of the Lions Club Bergamo Host, District 108IB2, is the result of a teamwork between Lions and Leos of the whole district, institutions and associations. It is based on the recovery and distribution of surplus food, for disposal but still usable through an efficient network for the collection and redistribution for the benefit… Continue reading Recovery of food surpluses

Food surplus recovery

The Lions Club of the Lodi province, (Lombardy Italy) Lions District 108Ib3, have purchased a refrigerated van for the transport of food with an investment of approximately 80,000 dollars, of which $ 41,175 thanks to a grant from the L.C.I.F. The service launched in 2021 has already helped more than 270 families. The refrigerated van… Continue reading Food surplus recovery

Providing Meals and Hope

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Lions in Surabaya, Indonesia realized that many people in community were struggling to find necessities including food. Wanting to help their community, they decided to ask their foundation, Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF), for assistance. Because of LCIF’s support, the Surabaya Patria Lions Club in District 307-B2 in Indonesia received a… Continue reading Providing Meals and Hope