Just a few days before Christmas, our club received a phone call regarding a young mother of two with twins on the way any day and was told her husband had left her! It only took a few minutes to make phone calls to get approval to purchase food and gifts for this needy family.… Continua a leggere You Never Know Who You Will Serve
Story Category: CA 1 - USA
The Rest of the Story
A Lion’s daughter starts a program to give hygiene items to poor kids in our county.
Lions Environment/Humanitarian Project
District 2-S2 held a multi-club service project at the 3rd Ward Chess Park Butterfly Lounge! This lot is a historically violent corner. Since the park was built, crime has gone down immensely because a full park of witnesses stops criminals from committing crimes. District 2-S2 Governor Lisa Free Martin led Lions from 12 clubs across… Continua a leggere Lions Environment/Humanitarian Project
Lions KidSight USA Project SEE CLEARLY 2021
The COVID pandemic has created many challenges for everyone. Foremost among these is that our children were doing more and more remote learning. One hidden, potential consequence of our children not attending school in person is that early childhood vision health screenings were postponed for millions of children. An estimated 25 million children have now… Continua a leggere Lions KidSight USA Project SEE CLEARLY 2021
International Director
This is a Campaign 100 Story. As an ID I was challenged to do something “fun” to raise money for Campaign 100. I spoke with PID Jim Cavallaro and we agreed to shave our mustaches with over 100 years of combined growth if we raised $10,000 from the sale of $25 tickets. We started in… Continua a leggere International Director
Screening della vista in Utah
Scopri come i Lions portano cure oculistiche essenziali ai bambini senza assicurazione medica e senza accesso alle cure sanitarie.
Messa a dimora di mirtilli ad Albany
La LCIF e la Anthem Foundation hanno aumentato l’accesso a cibi sani.