The Rest of the Story

A Lion’s daughter starts a program to give hygiene items to poor kids in our county.

International Director

This is a Campaign 100 Story. As an ID I was challenged to do something “fun” to raise money for Campaign 100. I spoke with PID Jim Cavallaro and we agreed to shave our mustaches with over 100 years of combined growth if we raised $10,000 from the sale of $25 tickets. We started in… Continua a leggere International Director

Screening della vista in Utah

Scopri come i Lions portano cure oculistiche essenziali ai bambini senza assicurazione medica e senza accesso alle cure sanitarie.

Messa a dimora di mirtilli ad Albany

Guarda come i Lions e la Fondazione Anthem hanno trasformato due lotti vuoti in un bellissimo frutteto di mirtilli.

La LCIF e la Anthem Foundation hanno aumentato l’accesso a cibi sani.