Extension du CENTRE RÉGIONAL DU DIABÈTE à Sambava.

Grâce à vos dons , la LCIF a pu octroyer une subvention à hauteur de 59.626 US$, au projet CENTRE RÉGIONAL DU DIABÈTE SAVA. Les Lions Clubs de la SAVA (Sambava , Antalaha , Vohémar , Andapa) remercient tous les partenaires qui ont oeuvrés pour la collecte des 25% , soit 20.000 US$.

Ilkeek Aare Boarding School in Kenya

Located in a remote area of Kenya, the Ilkeek Aare Primary School serves the semi-nomadic Masaai children in the region. As the lifestyle of these children’s families required perpetual moving around following the grazing grounds of their cattle, many of the Masaai children did not graduate from school. In 2012, the Münster-Landois Lions Club of… Continue reading Ilkeek Aare Boarding School in Kenya

Diabetes Awareness in South Africa

Special Olympics South Africa used its provincial floor hockey tournament as an opportunity raise athletes’ awareness of the growing risk of diabetes. To do this, they leaned on their strong partnership with Lions and had the Bryanston Champions Cyber Lions Club join forces with other Lions clubs to provide diabetes education and testing to athletes… Continue reading Diabetes Awareness in South Africa

Tackling Diabetes in eSwatini

167 family members flocked to attend the Family Health Forum hosted by Special Olympics eSwatini at the end. The event was held over 2 days to comply with COVID restrictions which limited the daily size of public gatherings. The forum covered health promotion topics including diabetes which was addressed by local Lions. Unfortunately the diabetes… Continue reading Tackling Diabetes in eSwatini

National Games in Mauritius

Special Olympics Mauritius held its National Games at the end of November and was grateful for the full support of their partner, the Lions Club Curepipe. Many Lions participated in the Opening Ceremony’s parade, handed medals to athletes during the awards ceremonies and volunteered at the Opening Eyes screening, which ran parallel with the games.

Opening Eyes in Zambia

Special Olympics Zambia hosted an Opening Eyes screening for 80 athletes, complementing the event with a Healthy Hearing screening and training. This was the first of two in-person Opening Eyes events completed with COVID precautions in place, demonstrating how screenings might be carried out where restrictions allow.

Engaging Leos in Botswana

Six Leos joined 10 athletes and four university students in attending a first aid course led by Red Cross Botswana. The inclusive training was the first formal training for athletes and was inspired by Special Olympics Botswana athlete Bright Shadi, who became the first certified first aid volunteer within Special Olympics.