Lions Club Lucknow Varisha District 321-B1 India, besides doing service activities in the Lucknow City, often tried to touch the life of underprivileged in nearby rural areas also by different type of acts of kindness. Therefore, every member of our club keeps in mind that an act of kindness can be done any where and also in any non conventional manner too. With that motto in heart our club’s treasurer and Cabinet Secretary Environment , PMJF Lion Rehena Huda, under the banner of Lions Club Lucknow Varisha District 321-B1 use to perform different activities like plantation , health check- up camps, eye screening and eye operations, Covid -19 awareness, distribution of masks etc. in the village of Beily, Distt Basti and her doctor husband Lion Dr S M Siddqui, former Chief Medical Superintendent in Govt of UP, has always been a source of inspiration and a resource too to facilitate these activities. It has earned a name to Lion Rehana Huda as a dedicated and resourceful social worker in the area. Driven by this impression some responsible persons of village Beily approached Rehana ji and informed that in the village due to encroachment by some influential persons a Government Nallah has been obstructed leading to water logging in a considerable area and requested her to visit the spot, understand the problem and help to solve it. Rehana ji visited the area and found that some three/four influential people in the area has encroached upon the Government Nallah number 108 by constructing verandah, toilets , bathrooms etc. which has obstructed the flow of water in the Nallah and dirty , unhygienic and polluted water of Nallah was filled three feet deep on about 200 meter long village road and has also entered in some of the houses. The whole environment in the area was very dirty, unhealthy and unhygienic and was a grooming ground for various diseases. More than 200 families were suffering for last over two years and had although approached local authorities but all in vain. Rehana ji being a Lion and more so Cabinet Secretary, Save Environment considered that it is a real environmental issue and addressing it will be in tune with the Lions objectives. She discussed the issue with her club members and we decided to under take this work in tune with Lion’s Motto of Save Environment by providing clean and safe environment to the silently suffering villagers. The club officials discussed the strategy to proceed in the matter and advised Rehana ji to cautiously proceed ahead.
Accordingly Rehana ji called a meeting of suffering villagers and a representation was prepared and was signed by over 50 persons . She along with two to three responsible persons met Block Development officer and introduced herself with Lions credentials and explained the problem of the people. He listened carefully, understood the problem and appreciated the initiative taken by Rehana ji and immediately wrote two letters – one for Sub Divisional Magistrate and another to the Station in charge of concerned Police Station and sent it through special messenger. Rehana ji also followed the letters to SDM and called on him and explained the problem. The SDM was a young IAS officer and he understood the problem and appreciated the efforts made by Lion Rehana ji. He immediately directed his PA to urgently arrange a meeting with concerned officers. He also requested Rehana ji to join the meeting. The meeting was convened next day and Rehanaji highlighted the importance of clean environment and appealed to those encroachers to give way to flow of Nallah. With some initial resistance they agreed and undertook to remove the unauthorized construction to give way to flow of water in Nallah. The SDM for implementing this decision passed a order to start the work. After two days the work started in the presence of the committee. The work was later on completed smoothly .
Thus it has illustrated that *Where there is a need there is a Lion*