Miyawaki Urban Forest- Tree Plantation
Lion Club Ghaziabad Samarpan District 321C1 planted more than 2000 trees in an Urban Forestation drive by Miyawaki Technique. In this type of man made urban forest, thousands of saplings of different types of trees are planted very close to each other so that each tree supports the other trees surrounding it. The land is prepared by adding fertilizers, manure and compost. Once the land is prepared, the technicians dig holes in a 2 ft x2ft grid on the entire land where forestation has to be done. After digging the holes, the saplings are placed along with more compost and other fertilizers.
Members of Lions Club Ghaziabad Samarpan planted more than 2000 different types of trees (in a span of 1 month) that includes fruits, high foliage trees, bamboo trees etc. They also adopted a part of the forest and look after that from time to time.