Cornea Grafting
The story of Shree Ram Shankar as narrated by MJF Lion Alka Bhattacharya member of Lucknow Century Lions Club & Region Chairperson of District 321B1 .
This is a beautiful world created by God for us to live in with brightly sprinkled colors in the day light and sparkling stars that twinkle in the sky above us at night. We are fortunate enough to witness this resplendent world. By God’s grace, we have a marvelous pair of eyes that give us the war sight of such wonderful creations made of God.
‘Cornea’ a transparent front part of the eye, it refracts light accounting for approximately two thirds of the eye’s total optical power. Upon death or removal of an eye The cornea absorbs the aqueous humour and becomes lazy. The dead eye (donated for transplant) can be placed in warm chamber with reservoir of sugar and glycogen that generally keeps the cornea transparent for at least 24 hours.
A 30 year old necessitous man named Shree Ram Shankar residing in the small village of Rampurwa in Bahraich district of Uttar Pradesh. He lives with his elderly parents. He is the only person in his family to earn and look after his parents. He is a fruit gatherer and every morning goes to the wood to cut down freshly raped fruits and sells them in the market.
His life drastically changed when one fine morning while plucking the fruits a twinge pricked in one of his eyes & damaged. Due to the poor economic condition of he was not taken to big cities for treatment rather they tried taking aid from a rural medic but this in retouch deteriorated his condition even more as these rural medics lack experience in such cases.
Lions Club camp was reported about this case and they took immediate action in bringing him to Lucknow. He was admitted to King Georg’s Medical University Lucknow in Ophthalmic Department. Cornea transplant was conducted which was entirely funded by Lions Club Lucknow Century along with PMJF Lion Anurag Chandra District Chairperson Cornea Grafting.
He got his complete vision back and the members of Lions Club are extremely delighted to be able to provide a helping hand to Shree Ram Shankar & he was fully recover with his new vision.
“When There is Need There is Lions”