Hitansh Doshi
CA6 – Isame
Leo Club of Juhu visited Mann Ashram Shyala, a school located in the tribal areas of Vikramghad, wherin 800+ tribal students reside and study. Leos spent an entire day at the village, hosting various activities, engaging in multiple service projects, organizing skill development sessions and providing humanitarian relief for the village. The school was in dire need of educational material, food, student development equipment, blankets due to extreme weather.
CA6 – Isame
Leo Club of Juhu visited Mann Ashram Shyala, a school located in the tribal areas of Vikramghad, wherin 800+ tribal students reside and study. Leos spent an entire day at the village, hosting various activities, engaging in multiple service projects, organizing skill development sessions and providing humanitarian relief for the village. The school was in dire need of educational material, food, student development equipment, blankets due to extreme weather.
We donated 2000+ books, sports equipment, mats, blankets and 200+ bags of essential grains. Additionally, through our collection drive, we were able to gather and donate 500+ clothing items and story books.
Through our rural projects, we aim to spread our services outside the city, and help the villages build a sustainable and financially secure ecosystem.