Zone Chairperson
Lions: Ration Distribution for Famine and drought Effected Communcity in Somalia
Hunger relief activity in Muqdisho implemented by LC Mugadishu in partnership with Bacadmark business group to distribute different items to those vulnerable families ,Malnourished Children ,Women and old people. The funds were used for a hunger relief project integrating different items including, beverages, dates, and
kitchen kits for some of the badly affected communities in Muqdisho Somalia. The most recent mission was to Hamar Jajab district, Hamarwayne and people where over 27 households/families were served. Thank you to a our partner whose compassion and generosity has saved so many lives. BacadMark group were
partnered with The Lions in The relief efforts to assist the vulnerable community of the selected district in Muqdisho
Lion Zaynab Checking the Ration card Lion Zaynab Giving dates to Child & Mom.
The Muqdisho Lions volunteers, have in-country presence in Muqdisho and are supporting to the needy community in Partnership with BacadMark Group . BacadMark (PBM) maintain coordination through quarterly initiative Coordination Meetings and emergency steering committee meetings as, and when, the need arises.
Lions of Mugadishu is working closely with Local Business partner
and regional Government committee to ensure there is coordinated
implementation of the operation. Club President and BacadMark Group coordinator joint field monitoring and witnessed the beverages and kitchen kits and dates distribution in Muqdisho. In March 1 2022 the BacadMark Group coordinator and club president together with the govenment district secretary held field monitoring of the hamar district, and witnessed different items distribution including Beverages, Kitchen Kits and Dates and had opportunity to interact with families benefiting from this relief.
This is an on-going joint initiative under the sponsorship of Bacadmark Group
and the lions club Muqdisho.
The following Local Business community & Volunteers has
contributed including:
1- BacadMark Group
2-President of LC Muqdisho
3-LCIF club Coordinator.
4. Zone Chairperson Lion Zaynab
This joint project has benefited more than 27 families. three position in two districts were distribute, some of the main beneficiaries of the relief from Southren Regions of Somalia
This Hunger relief project was jointly conducted by lions club Muqdisho . we look forward to partnering with the BacadMark Group again to create more sustainable solutions in these needy areas so we will toget her support the VULNARABLE community
Muqdisho-Somalia Telephone No.+252612699058,
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