Mohan’s Handcart
Every evening, I walk on my balcony. Often while walking, I used to see a middle-aged woman working in the neighborhood coming and going. She seemed very upset and sad. Seeing her, many questions used to arise in my mind. I wanted to know what turmoil she lives in and what is the worry that is eating her up. I couldn’t stop my curiosity after all.
One day I called her to me and asked her the reason for her trouble. She told me that her husband had died a few years back. She has two sons, Mohan and Suraj, who are all grown up but unemployed.
Due to her husband’s untimely death and financial constraints, she could not educate her children. It has become difficult for her to run the house. Her sons tried to get work in many places but things did not work out, because both of them were not even educated. This problem of his entered my mind. I used to sit up and think how to help him. Then I thought why not get a food cart for his son. I had discussed this in our Lions Club Lucknow Pratistha with the members, on which all Lion members happily agreed to help and with the collective effort of all, a handcart was purchased within a week. Necessary materials and ration arrangements were also made to provide them.
After that, Mohan’s handcart was duly inaugurated by our District Governor Lion Brajesh Mohan Srivastava District 321B1. His business was started by making food on his handcart, feeding the needy people.
After a few days we went to the place of the handcart and saw that its work is going well and the income of each day has also started getting better.
Some money started coming in the house, which improved their condition. Now we cannot describe in words the happiness and satisfaction that I got by seeing the happiness and smile on Mohan’s mother’s face.
As per District Governor District 321B1 Lion Brajesh Mohan Srivastava to help economical weaker people in the urban area are engines of economic growth through improvement in the quality of urban life by facilitating creation of quality urban infrastructure, with assured service levels and efficient working and for creating economically vibrant, inclusive, efficient and sustainable urban habitats.
Lion Smita Singh, President, Lions Club Lucknow Pratistha, District 321B1