Aarogya: Move For Health – Mobile health clinic
“Aarogya: Move For Health” – Mobile health clinic project for the needy by young Lions of Nepal
Biratnagar, Nepal
District 325 C, MD 325 Nepal, CA 6D
A door-to-door unique free screening, diagnosis, consultation & treatment project for the needy has been initiated by LC Dharan Ghopa United & their sponsored club, LC Dharan Ghopa Health Professionals, both being young speciality clubs of eastern Nepal.
Under Project “Aarogya: Move For Health”, these clubs in collaboration with Lions/Leo Club of Biratnagar United, LC Biratnagar Dyno, Lions/Leo Club of Biratnagar Gograha & Biratnagar Health Ambassadors Club Branch held a “Free Diabetes & Vision Screening as well as Awareness Camp” at Shree Manavsewa Ashram, Biratnagar with the technical support from B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences & Birat Eye Hospital.
The camp was inaugurated by IP DG Lion Rewat Bahadur Karki, PMJF in presence of Leos, Leo Lions & Lions.
A team of medical & paramedical healthcare professionals, most of whom are Leo Lions & Lions screened around 70 people on the first day. During the screening, people with high blood glucose levels were identified & planned for further investigations including fasting, post prandial Glucose level as well as Glycated Hemoglobin; reports to be evaluated coming Saturday to do the needful accordingly. Also people suffering from refractive errors were identified who will be provided with spectacles. People identified with cataract will be operated upon by Lion Dr. Zahir Ansari along with his team at Birat Eye Hospital free of cost & post-operative surgery medicines, follow-ups & vision improvement glasses will be arranged. People suffering with retinal & corneal ailments were identified & will now be followed up at tertiary care centre for further management. Along with free checkup & consultation, free medicines & eye drops were distributed to patients. All services are provided free of cost. Lion Dr. Ashesh Koirala, Lion Dr. Zahir Habib Ansari, Dr. Shilpa Khanal, Dr. Ayush Dahal & Bishal Yadav provided ophthalmic services in the camp & Dr. Aman Shah, Leo Lion Dr. Shuvam Kumar Agrawal, Lion Aastha Singh, Lion Manoj Belbase, Leo Bikram Shah, Leo Isha Dev, Leo Rehan, Leo Pooja Yadav & Leo Md Shahbaz Ansari volunteered in the camp. MJF Chief Lion Chandramani Guragain, Region Chairperson Lion Sanjib Sigdel, Lion Ankit Ghimire, Lion Bijendra Kumar Karn, Lion Krishna Gautam, Lion Sashimohan Sinha, Lion Vijay Bohora, Lion Ritesh Khanal, Lion Prakash Nepal & Lion Bikash Thapa joined the health camp.
Charter President of LC Dharan Ghopa United, Guiding Lion of LC Dharan Ghopa Health Professionals & Branch Liaison of Biratnagar Health Ambassadors Club Branch Leo Lion Dr. Shuvam Kumar Agrawal says that the camp aimed at identifying high risk population for diabetes & making timely medical intervention as well as eradication of avoidable blindness in poor needy communities by providing free treatment to the needy suffering from eye related disorders to raise their quality of life. It also brought awareness among them about silent killer Diabetes & diseases that lead to vision loss.
Speaking at the camp on Saturday, IPDG Lion Rewat Bahadur Karki appreciated the young Leos, Leo Lions & Lions for their kind gesture & assured all help & support.
The people who attended the camp were thankful to Leos, Leo Lions & Lions for providing them free diabetes screening, eye check-up, medications & awareness. Sharmila, who takes care of the residents there said, “People here were struggling to see properly for a long time & were in need of an ophthalmic health camp. They were unaware of suffering from Diabetes. I thank Lions for this noble initiative & we believe everyone here will soon be able to see things clearly. Thank you so much!”
Club Service Chairperson of LC Dharan Ghopa Health Professionals & Ophthalmologist by profession Lion Dr Ashesh Koirala said such screening provided access to health care for the less privileged in society.