Adoption of a School
Member of Lions Club Lucknow Century District 321B1 Lion Dr. Rama Kant (Retired professor of King Georg’s Medical University, Lucknow) saw a child searching some food in the spread over trash, and garbage of local residents in Vikas Nagar. Dogs and pigs were competing with him. They talked to that child Ghisa, an 8-year-old student of a government school with no boundary, dumping ground, no water supply, no toilets. Local residents parked their vehicles there and school had strength of only 22 poorest children with torn clothes, uncombed brownish hairs and only one “SHIKSHA MITRA” lady who was not trained in teaching. Only attraction was mid-day meal which was dirty and had often worms in it but the children came to kill their hunger. Dr. Rama Shankdhar asked her husband Dr. Rama Kant if they could help the school. It looked to be dump yard littered with cow dung, pigs, dogs, human excreta, no electricity and no teaching board, no benches, no chairs, no desks and a devastated looking old building. We explored with the education department, We got the map and permission for adoption. The members of Lions Club Lucknow Century contributed wholesome money to renovate, made boundary, toilets, water supply restored Club provided books, uniforms, and medical check-up. Proper chairs and desks were provided. Plantations done. The school was inaugurated by the District Governor District 321 B1. Club received donations from Lion B M Srivastava, Lion A K Singh, Lion Kamal Shekhar Gupta, Lion Sarojini and major from Lion Rama Shankhdhar. This is a permanent project of Lions Club Lucknow Century District 321B1. Now, there are over 300 students and teachers are teaching well. Where there is need Lions were there.
Lion Alka Bhattacharya President Lions Club Lucknow Century District 321.