International Director
This is a Campaign 100 Story.
As an ID I was challenged to do something ”fun” to raise money for Campaign 100. I spoke with PID Jim Cavallaro and we agreed to shave our mustaches with over 100 years of combined growth if we raised $10,000 from the sale of $25 tickets. We started in October 2020 with the idea of shaving at our MD Convention. Due to COVID issues the convention was virtual so we agreed to do this at the August Council of Governor’s meeting if we hit the target.
We actually collected $11,500 and had the shaving at the end of the meeting. All attending enjoyed our removal with many comments and suggestions.
As we committed, 12 Lions received a Melvin Jones Fellow from the tickets drawn during the event. We had a small amount collected before when added to our ticket sales allowed for 12 MJF’s
Doing an event like this raises the focus on Campaign 100 while having a fun time selling and removing the mustaches.
I would challenge other Lions to consider something to help focus on Campaign 100 as we are on the last leg of the campaign and still can use the financial support.